Montag, 1. November 2010

The Philosophy of KRK Systems...

KRK Systems is on of the most convincing manufacturers of studio monitors I know.

What really made me love these speakers was not only the overwhelmingly brilliant, full, and balanced sound, or the incredible power even the rather small Rokit 5 studio monitors blast out. It was the philosophy. The developers at KRK systems do not create products to sell - they create products to use. They are the customers they are selling to, fully understanding what their customers really want from their studio monitor.

For these guys, the focus is not the specs of the piece of technology they are creating, but the experience the user is going to have with it - and I personally may tell you: I have had the most exciting user experience I could imagine with my pair of KRK Rokit 5 speakers.

Even though "only" founded in 1986, KRK Systems set a standard for all their products that makes them truly worthy of being a trusted brand.